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This kind of view let you edit several treatment info by certain inputs. The inputs are prefilled if exist treatment info already otherwise show empties

Each input is independent and can be modify any time calling a background process to do it. In case of error a Modal Dialog will be show with the treatment data and the corresponding error message. An error over one input not affect to any others inputs

You need to respect the input type of data if you do not want to get an error (Numeric, decimal, date, ...). Please, see ours FAQ How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

When the medicines used in the treatment come from the veterinarian's medicine cabinet, the date of the prescription is automatically established as the start date of the treatment. It is understood that the veterinarian has already started the treatment by applying the first dose.

In the event that all the medications in the prescription have a duration of one day, the date of the prescription will also be automatically established as the end date of treatment. It is understood that either the veterinarian has already finished the treatment or it will end that day anyway.

If a treatment starts and ends automatically in this way, nothing should be done with it and the treatment book will be ready to be transferred.

These treatments are still on the website and the easiest way to find them is by ordering the treatments by end date or using the finished treatments filter.

Keep in mind that unfinished treatments also appear in the treatment book and that they should be given the date of completion where appropriate.

Please, see ours FAQ There may be unfinished treatments in the treatment book? if you need to understand how really works

The end of waiting period or suppression period for meat corresponds to the time from the end of the treatment, adding the days that the veterinarian has indicated in the prescription that are necessary for each treatment.

The end of waiting period may not appear because it does not correspond or because it does correspond, but this information is not available in the recipe associated with it. In both cases it shows on the website as: Unknown

For treatments completed with a waiting period, it will be displayed on the date on which the waiting period ends. In red if it is still in the waiting period or in green if the waiting date has already passed.

If the treatment is started, but not finished, you have to wait until the treatment is finished and the waiting end date can be calculated. They will be displayed as: Pte. End Treatment

Take into account that in the list of treatments, the waiting end date is only available for the list and grid type views, but not for the table view, since it has other functionality.

Please, see ours FAQ How it works treatments table view? if you need to understand how really works

If you do not see any treatments, you have to take into account that the treatments are generated the day after the date of the prescription:

You must go to the list of treatments through the menu Treatments

If you get a notice that you have to set the start date, you don't have it set and you must use the existing form to set it:

If you see treatments, the start date has been set correctly.

If you do not see any treatments, you have to take into account that the treatments are generated the day after the date of the prescription:

It is possible if you are starting right now and/or get your first recipe just today. Then do not worry, tomorrow will be automatically here for you!

Also it is possible that the recipe data do not exist in our systems then you can create new one manually. Please, see ours FAQ How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

It is possible if you are searching for a not existing treatment. Make sure it exist. You can use the recipe number to find it.

Also it is possible you are trying to find an archived treatment then sorry about that. It is no possible to recover it by yourself, please, request to recovery it using the contact top menu or by email

Please, see ours FAQ How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

This website create and show automatically treatments from recipes data that exist in our systems and show them in treatments page. The treatment names are generated automatically using the recipe diagnosis and the recipe number

If some recipe data do not exist in our systems then we cannot create a treatment automatically for you and you have to create one manually

In treatments page you can search, order, filter, edit, change the view type and the length of the result showed. Also you can use the paginator without lose the applied criteria

In all view types you get the most important data in one shot and let you click in treatment name to get all complete info in a detail view. In detail view you can scroll to the bottom and select between edit the treatment or create new one

Treatments are thinking to print them in a Treatments Book and are based on states calculated by the recipe start and end date. Please, see ours FAQ How treatments book works? if you need to understand how really works

It is posible edit by mistake a treatment already printed in a treatments book but remember you must to generate and download a new treatment book with the new data and destroy the old one

Also it is possible archived a treatment (Maybe because it was not applied) but it is no possible to recover it by yourself, in that case, request to recovery it using the contact top menu or by email

The treatment form is used to update or create a treatment. It works like any website form and you can get more general info at Wikipedia

In our case the form fields are grouped by relevant sections to facilitate get focus on the important info quickly

The form fields marked with and asterisk (*) are required fields. This mean that you cannot save the form to create or update any treatment until you input the required type of info. Also the required fields have an automatic validation to help input the correct data

When you submit the from clicking on the save button behind the scene is done a hole form validation and if everything is fine then you will be redirect to a success page where you can check the treatment info about the created or updated one and even edit one again.

In case any error happen on submit form then the form will be reloaded with an error message and the affected fields will be marked in red color for you can find easily and input the correct data to submit the form again

In any time you wish you can click the button cancel to get out the form but you need understand that in some cases some information could have been saved, then in that case you may use the treatment search box to get that treatment to edit or archive it

If you archived some treatment then will be not available anymore on treatment list but on treatments book will still remains if was already generated one. Please, see ours FAQ How treatments book works? and/or How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

In case of supplier data are no marked as required but is really required input the origin where medicines came from. This mean that you have to check if the medicine came from veterinary cabinet or the name and address of another supplier but never both

In case of medicines you can add , discard or recover them dynamically by clicking the corresponding button but remember that in any case the effective qty used can be higher that the prescribed qty because you can not use more qty than you have

A treatment cannot be deleted but can be archived. In this case, it will disappear from the website but still remains in our databases and can be restored

It is possible archived a treatment (Maybe because it was not applied) but it is no possible to recover it by yourself, in that case, request to recovery it using the contact top menu or by email

To archive a treatment you need to search it, go for detail view, click on edit button, check the the mark to archive and click on save button

The archived treatments will not be available on new generated treatments book but will still remains if was already generated. Please, see ours FAQ How treatments book works? and/or How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

You must go to the list of treatments through the Treatments menu. There, a warning message will appear to establish the start date and a button to access the form.

Use the button to access the form and set the start date.

The day after establishing the start date, treatments with prescriptions that have the same date or one after the established one will begin to be available.

Once the start date has been established and the first treatments are generated, each day, the new recipes that exist from the last saved treatment will continue to be searched for to generate new treatments automatically.

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Each treatment must correspond to a different prescription number; therefore, in the exceptional case that a treatment for which a prescription has not been issued (as we know is the case for blue tongue) needs to be recorded in the book, it will have to create one manually.

Because the prescription number cannot be repeated, and is a mandatory field, the recommendation is to use a pattern that indicates the diagnosis and the date, e.g:

  • Num. Recipe: 02012024
  • Diagnosis: Bluetongue

With this method:

  • To search for all bluetongue treatments, just enter bluetongue in the search engine
  • To search for a treatment from January 2, 2024, just enter 02012024 in the search engine