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En puede consultar los pedidos de pienso a fábrica existentes, y puede hacer pedidos nuevos.

Dispone de dos menús diferentes.

Pedidos pendientes:

  • Puede ver los pedidos que tiene pendientes de entregar

  • Puede hacer un nuevo pedido en base a los artículos consumidos en los últimos meses

Pedidos entregados:

  • Puede ver los pedidos ya entregados

  • Puede facer un nuevo pedido, duplicando uno existente

Ante cualquier duda o problema puede usar el menú de contacto para reportar el problema.

Este método para hacer pedidos no substituye a los anteriores, sino que es complementario, por lo que ante cualquier problema puede hacer el pedido por el método habitual (teléfono, WhatsApp, ...).

This website is available on two languages: Spanish and Galician. Use the language flags top menu to change the actual language

O sitio web de socios non é nin ten aplicación móbil ainda que sexa posible instalala coma unha aplicación nativa do sistema:

Non confunda a web de socios coa aplicación móbil de Aira dispoñible na tenda de aplicacions de Iphone ou Google: Aira SCG.

Dentro do sito web de socios mediante o menú de aplicación móbil pode acceder as instruccions de instalación.

Using the top menu Sign In and indicating the email and password you set in the registration process.

If you do not remember your password, you can change it using option Reset password 

In the top menu of FAQs, you can find a series of questions related to the operation of the page.

You can also find help by clicking the icon , which will take you to FAQs related to the page you're on.

If this is not enough, you can contact the IT department using the top menu Contact. Warning! It is important to make sure that you indicate a correct e-mail in this form, as this will be where the answer to the problem raised will be sent.

Some sections of this website are private, and therefore for the exclusive use of registered users.

You can request registration as a user if you are an AIRA SCG customer, through the registration form.

El sitio web de socios no es ni tiene aplicación móvil. Non obstante, puede instalarla en cualquier dispositivo (tablet, móvil u ordenador) como si fuese una aplicación nativa del sistema debido a que está hecha con tecnología WPA (Aplicación Web Progresiva).

Mientras navega por el sitio web de socios, el propio navegador le debería proponer la instalación de la app de socios de forma automática. Sin embargo si este no fuese el caso, no importa, puede instalarla igualmente de forma manual de dos formas, dependiendo si lo hace desde un ordenador u outro dispositivo (móvil o tablet):

  • En ordenador: Pulse el icono (un pc con flecha para abajo) de la barra superior en el lado derecho

  • En otros dispositivos: Pulse el icono de configuración (Tres puntos). Ir a guardar y compartir. Allí ya aparece la opción de: Instalar WPA Socios Aira


You must go to the list of treatments through the menu Treatments

If you get a notice that you have to set the start date, you don't have it set and you must use the existing form to set it:

If you see treatments, the start date has been set correctly.

If you do not see any treatments, you have to take into account that the treatments are generated the day after the date of the prescription:

This kind of view let you edit several treatment info by certain inputs. The inputs are prefilled if exist treatment info already otherwise show empties

Each input is independent and can be modify any time calling a background process to do it. In case of error a Modal Dialog will be show with the treatment data and the corresponding error message. An error over one input not affect to any others inputs

You need to respect the input type of data if you do not want to get an error (Numeric, decimal, date, ...). Please, see ours FAQ How treatments works? if you need to understand how really works

If you do not see any treatments, you have to take into account that the treatments are generated the day after the date of the prescription:

The end of waiting period or suppression period for meat corresponds to the time from the end of the treatment, adding the days that the veterinarian has indicated in the prescription that are necessary for each treatment.

The end of waiting period may not appear because it does not correspond or because it does correspond, but this information is not available in the recipe associated with it. In both cases it shows on the website as: Unknown

For treatments completed with a waiting period, it will be displayed on the date on which the waiting period ends. In red if it is still in the waiting period or in green if the waiting date has already passed.

If the treatment is started, but not finished, you have to wait until the treatment is finished and the waiting end date can be calculated. They will be displayed as: Pte. End Treatment

Take into account that in the list of treatments, the waiting end date is only available for the list and grid type views, but not for the table view, since it has other functionality.

Please, see ours FAQ How it works treatments table view? if you need to understand how really works

When the medicines used in the treatment come from the veterinarian's medicine cabinet, the date of the prescription is automatically established as the start date of the treatment. It is understood that the veterinarian has already started the treatment by applying the first dose.

In the event that all the medications in the prescription have a duration of one day, the date of the prescription will also be automatically established as the end date of treatment. It is understood that either the veterinarian has already finished the treatment or it will end that day anyway.

If a treatment starts and ends automatically in this way, nothing should be done with it and the treatment book will be ready to be transferred.

These treatments are still on the website and the easiest way to find them is by ordering the treatments by end date or using the finished treatments filter.

Keep in mind that unfinished treatments also appear in the treatment book and that they should be given the date of completion where appropriate.

Please, see ours FAQ There may be unfinished treatments in the treatment book? if you need to understand how really works